Weekly Insights from TheAutismVoyage!

Guiding you with the insights that matter...

Hello Family, Michael here...

As we near the end of the week, let’s take a moment to set our intentions for the days ahead. Each day offers a fresh opportunity to reset, refocus, and move closer to the goals we've set for ourselves and our families. Whether you're navigating challenges or celebrating successes, remember that every step forward is progress. Let's make the most of today and carry that positive momentum into the weekend!


An investment in knowledge pays the best interest

- Benjamin Franklin; Founding Father, Author, Scientist and Postmaster
Life Planning: Gaining Financial Clarity

Crafting a Comprehensive Letter of Intent for Families with Special Needs

A Letter of Intent (LOI) is crucial for families with special needs children. Unlike legal documents, an LOI is a non-binding yet highly informative guide designed to provide future caregivers with a comprehensive understanding of a child's unique needs, preferences, and routines.

It serves as a bridge between current and future caregivers, ensuring that the child's life remains as consistent and comfortable as possible, even in the absence of their primary caregivers.

Learn more and schedule a free consultation with one of our financial professionals.

Boost Your Productivity

Tools and Resources

Introducing our Budget & Expense Tracker for Families with Special Needs. With a user-friendly interface, including instructions and adaptable currency/date formats, this tracker is designed to be accessible for families to simplify expense management, yearly outlays tracking, and much more.

Life Planning: Gaining Financial Clarity

Trust Funds for Disabled Children: Navigating Financial Security for Families with Special Needs

Navigating the complex world of financial planning is particularly challenging for families with disabled children.

This comprehensive guide aims to provide clarity and understanding about trust funds specifically tailored for children with special needs, helping families make informed decisions for their child's future.

Discover more and Book a Complimentary Consultation with one of our financial experts.

Insights Circle

Recommended Reads

  • "The Greatness Mindset: Unlock the Power of Your Mind and Live Your Best Life Today" by Lewis Howes (click here)

  • "The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company" by Robert Iger (click here)

  • "Ego Is The Enemy" by Ryan Holiday
    (click here)

Schedule a Consultation Today!

Consult with the Pros:

Taking charge of your family's financial future can feel daunting, but you don't have to do it alone. We're here to listen, understand your specific challenges, and work alongside you to craft a financial roadmap that truly fits your life. Together, we'll move beyond basic coverage to build a strategy that supports your family's long-term goals and peace of mind.

Thank you for letting us be a part of your journey! We're here every step of the way.


β€” Michael Pereira

Founder, The Autism Voyage

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Always perform your own due diligence and use your judgment when making buying decisions and investments for your family.