6 Impactful Ways to Manage Autism and Food Aversions

Weekly Insights from TheAutismVoyage

Hey, Michael here...

Just passing by to say to hi, and wish an awesome upcoming weekend.

Some weeks feel like a marathon, others like a sprint, but no matter the pace, every step counts. Keep showing up, keep pushing, you're making more progress than you realize.

Enjoy this week’s edition, and let’s keep building momentum!

P.S. Don’t miss the ICYMI section, click the first item to catch my conversation on Play Therapy Network®!

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this the will of God in Christ Jesus for you

- 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Daily Living: Navigating Everyday Challenges

6 Impactful Ways to Manage autism and Food Aversions

Mealtimes can be stressful for families navigating autism and food aversions.

Research suggests that diet and nutrition can significantly impact neurodivergent individuals, including those with autism.

Insights Circle

Interesting Reads

  • LinkedIn Why Self-Care Isn’t Selfish (Especially for Special Needs Parents)

  • Medina Becomes the First Autism Certified City™

  • ABQ BioPark Becomes a Certified Autism Center™

The Resource Hub

Smart Picks for Families

Daily Living: Navigating Everyday Challenges

Speech Delay vs Autism: 7 Key Differences You Must Know.

Every parent eagerly awaits their child’s first words, so it can be concerning when speech takes longer than expected.

Not all speech delays indicate autism, and every child develops at their own pace.

Inner Circle

Recommended Books

  • Book #1 "Ego Is The Enemy" by Ryan Holiday

  • Book #2 "Hidden Potential" by Adam Grant

  • Book #3 "The Ride of a Lifetime" by Robert Iger

By The Way….



Before you go: Here are 3 ways to make the most of our community

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2️⃣ Explore the Blog – Dive deeper into curated insights and resources designed specifically for parents like you.

3️⃣ Share the Journey – Know another family who could benefit from our community? Share this newsletter and help us grow the circle of support.

Thank you for giving us a little bit of your attention this week.

See you next week,


Michael Pereira

Founder, The Autism Voyage
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